Sunday, March 20, 2016

Equal Pay For Equal Work!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I figured because it was international women's day two weeks ago that it would be a good idea to write about women's rights- Enjoy!!

A woman earns 76 cents to every dollar a man earns at the same exact job.

What part of that is fair?

There has been a lot of work towards the equal work equal pay movement but most women are still 24 cents away from being equal. This inequality is what happened in the 1900 century... It's 100 years later and we still haven't bridged the pay gap! There are a lot of senators who also support the movement (ie. Kirsten Gillibrand) who have launched idea's to encourage the movement but nobody has been able to go far. We need to change this! Sign the petition below to end this craziness!

UltraViolet Petition: Women's rights

Here is some background information from Ultra Violet about the petition.

President Obama just announced a huge new crackdown on employers that pay men more than women. Once enacted, all companies with more than 100 employees will have to report pay data by gender, race, and ethnicity. This is a MAJOR step that will expose discrimination that's currently hard to prove--and pave the way for pay equity.
But the President can't close the whole wage gap by himself, and this Congress isn't about to solve the problem. Thankfully, the states are stepping in. Just last week, legislators in nearly half of the states announced they'd be introducing equal pay legislation into their statehouses. Those states include: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. But there's no reason the other states can't follow suit.
If we all pile on and remind our elected officials that we need equal pay now, it can help trigger a domino effect of equal pay across the states. Will you sign the petition to your state legislators?
(Image used under Creative Commons License from #WOCinTech)

Tell state legislators:

2016 is the year to end the gender pay gap. Pass equal pay legislation in my state now.

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