A group of students decided to make a teacher's daughters Christmas when they gave her- her own school bus. There teacher's daughter, Gabrielle Howell has a condition that makes her progress much slower than other kids. And for Christmas, she asked for her very own school bus. The teacher told this to her students, not expecting anything. However, one student took notice of this and created her own go fund me page. She raised enough money to buy a school bus on sale. After doing this her and a group of students parked it outside of the school and worked on it after school hours. Then Christmas morning finally came they left the newly done school bus outside of the teacher's house. The picture below shows their awesome work on the bus:
I hope this story cheers you up, especially a few days before Trump's inauguration. I also hope that this story inspires you all to always remember to do small little things as they could make someone so happy!
Thank you for reading and as always stay tuned for more upcoming stories.
1) "Students Transform School Bus Into Gift for Teacher's Developmentally Challenged Daughter." Good News Network. N.p., 14 Jan. 2017. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.
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